Bringing the beauty of flowers to those who need it most.
Abloom delivers free flowers to local institutions throughout our community. We aim to enliven spaces, spark feelings of compassion and dignity, and promote a greater connection to nature. Living with beauty inspires us all.
We recover blooms from special events, such as weddings, parties and funerals, and accept flower donations from local florists and farms.
Recovered flowers are delivered locally to senior homes, residential centers, food pantries and shelters, such as Astor Home for Children and Chiz’s Heart Street.
Our volunteers create new arrangements with recovered blooms in the Abloom Room at the Red Hook Community Center and then deliver flowers our local partners.

Did you know that event flowers are usually thrown out? Lengthen the life of these blooms with our flower recovery program. We pick up the flowers after your event & deliver them to a local community organization. Contact us to learn more.
"These flowers became and are our friends...our comforters..our happiness in sorrow..as the flowers found vases...the pantry opened for the day...as people asked for the most basic of needs...food..their eyes wandered to the yellows and reds and tender colors that fill the heart more than food ever could...and so they were shared with those who came to the pantry...thank you for bringing change to a house that breathes with the blooms."
(from a floral recovery recipient, Kingston, NY, 2017)

Abloom is a collaboration between a flower fanatic and flower farmer that began in 2016 with the simple idea that flowers can help support communities. Marla Walker and Marina Michahelles met at Shoving Leopard Farm. In 2019, Abloom became a program of the Red Hook Community Center.
Read more about us and our work in Upstate House, 2019.

"Happiness held is the seed. Happiness shared is the flower."
Spread beauty with flowers! Sign up below and note your interest and availability. Harvesting and arranging are bi-weekly during the summer months. Flower recovery pick-up/deliveries occur Sunday mornings as scheduled.
Donate Event Flowers
We are thrilled that you want to participate in our flower recovery program. Together we can reach more people! Please fill out the form below and we'll contact you with further details. As present we can only pick up post event blooms within a 25 mile radius of Rhinebeck, NY.

A huge shout out to our supporters who have donated money and time to our efforts. THANK YOU!
All That Java- Steve Appenzeller-Walter Borden- Leslie Brack- Jeff Bratcher- Lisa Bretherick- Kary Broffman- Kate Brover- Sarah Carlson- Megan Conroy- Shay David- Alicia Davis- Debi Duke- Joanna Duppe- Melanie Faser- Odaria Finemore- Melissa Germano- Ashley Gordon- Caroline Gould- Pamela Governale- Curtiss Hannum- Karen Hatter- Kristi Hord- Samantha Hunt- Rachel Hyman-Rouse- Elizabeth Joshi- Maya Kaimal- Aimee Kelley- Ellen Kent- Paul Kim- Robin Knauth- Jeanne Koenig- Kate Kortbus- Christine Kurlander- Nancy Lee- Jenn LaBelle- Barbara Lessner- Montgomery Place Orchards- Sophia Michahelles- Lucinda McCann- Kim McConville- Kim McGrath- Susan McLeary- Matthew Noble- Tricia Paffendorf- Ruby Palmer- Paper Trail Rhinebeck- Tricia Reed- Nisha Richardson- Laura Roberts- Yvette Rogers- Sarah Rosenthal- Alix Shafer- Catriona Shafer- Tara Shafer- Joey Shavelle- Susan Sie- Anne Skamai- David Steffen- Ann Stettner- The Sussmans- Mary Taylor- Vanessa Trombly- Brian Walker- Felicia Walker- Paul Walker- Rosie Walker- Kimberly Van Mersbergen- Laurie Wilson- Yuko Yamamoto- Tesha Zeloga