Warm up on a cold night & support Red Hook
Community Center!

Date: Friday, April 4th, 2025
Snow Date: Friday, April 11th
Time: 5-8 PM
$40 - Chili Pepper Supporter
(Dine-in or Take Out)
$20 - Dine-in
$10 - Dine-in Kids (12 and under)
$10 - Take Out
Meal includes cornbread and dessert.
Vegetarian and vegan chili
options will also be available.
Limited tickets available.
Secure your spot today!

Turn Up the Heat!
Become a Chili Pepper


Your EXTRA support will benefit RHCC

and all of the programs we provide.

Chili Pepper Supporters, come find your


on our “Thank You” wall that night,

and through the

month of April.

Volunteers needed for this event!

Make your best chili or help us on
the day of the event.